Hello plats friends,
I too have been busy, or Im not quite sure but the days have gone very fast, and there has not been much to write about, I read and make images and spend a lot of time in the studio, I travel to Leipzig and back to go to meetings and hang out and cycle in Berlin, We even went swimming at the weekend in Teufelsee, a little lake in the south west of Berlin, my parents came to visit last month and some friends too, and slowly Berlin is starting to feel a little bit more like a home. So that's great! Apart from that, there's a group show in Norway now with my work in it , have a look here:
Vestfossen. I think it runs all summer and it is an exhibition about fear, I hope to get to see it too! I've also been to see the work of photographer
Leigh Ledare, whose book I would really like to get, and then afterwards we went to see an exhibition by
Boris Mikhailov,whom I really like, strange presentation of the exhibition but somehow it suited the topic. All the days with sunshine makes it hard to go into museums and into the studio but these two shows were well worth it. But mainly I feel like eating ice cream, my new favourite being strawberry- mint and white chocolate.
The studio house has turned into something like a treasure box, I keep opening doors and there's the next room waiting, so it feels great to be there and make work. I think Im lucky to have found this place, and that's where Im going now. Rather fun to get to know a new city though, especially now when it's showing itself at it's best.