Tonight is a concert I have been looking forward to for a very long time, I bought my ticket many months ago, being a big fan of Nick Cave since I first heard his voice, maybe I prefer him and the Bad Seeds to Grinderman but nevermind, it will be brilliant. I feel all up for it apart from the small fact that I am all of a sudden sick, I returned from wanderings in the "Säschische Schweiz" last night and after sleeping outdoors in a not very warm sleeping bag I now feel like my head is going to kill me and as if I am coughing my lungs out, needless to say this is not a very great feeling. But the walk was absolutely beautiful, sleeping outdoors im sure was very beautiful too, I imagine looking at the stars and all that but with me wearing contact lenses I couldn't really see any stars at all so I missed out. After the quick visit to London and all that happened there and then now this walk I am back in Leipzig once more, I have started studying here now at the art school, HGB and will do my Meister, which is similar to an MA for Professor Tina Bara, this feels like a good thing and also means I have unlimited access to the darkroom, which is a going to be fantastic.
But today nothing much more is going to happen, I fear I will have to return to the bed now and sleep until the concert starts and probably feel very sorry for myself and then I will drag this sad excuse for a sick body to the concert and hopefully forget all about it whilst having a lot of noise banged into my head, that should sort me out.
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